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Guillermo Gregorio: Coplanar
New World Records
Oct 2001 — Dec 2002
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Coplanar 1 + 2
16:31 |
Guillermo Gregorio
for guitar, synthesizer, and ensemble
MADI Ensemble; Guillermo Gregorio, clarinet; Guillermo Gregorio, alto saxophone; Guillermo Gregorio, Conductor; Kyle Bruckmann, oboe; Kyle Bruckmann, accordion; Jen Clare Paulson, viola; Fred Lonberg-Holm, violoncello; Michael Cameron, contrabass; John Corbett, guitar; Jim Baker, piano; Jim Baker, ARP synthesizer
May 2002
Coplanar 4
5:31 |
Guillermo Gregorio
for oboe, clarinet, tuba, and cello
May 2002
Coplanar 3
7:31 |
Guillermo Gregorio
for piano and strings
Oct 2001
White Coplanar
6:30 |
Guillermo Gregorio
for clarinet, viola, and cracklebox
Dec 2002
Construction With Coplanar
11:22 |
Guillermo Gregorio
for oboe/accordion, clarinet/alto saxophone, tuba, and cello
May 2002
Madi Piece
6:40 |
Guillermo Gregorio
for guitar and strings
Oct 2001
Swiss Coplanar
8:45 |
Guillermo Gregorio
for voice, tuba, and piano
May 2002
Coplanar 5
13:42 |
Guillermo Gregorio
for bass clarinet, clarinets, strings, and piano
Dec 2002