Work Results

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albums (4) works (3) tracks (61)
title composer artists/ensemble play
The Mother of Us All Virgil Thomson Chad Sonka, voice; Aviva Orvath, voice; Batyah Godfrey, voice; Noragh Devlin, voice; Manhattan School of Music Opera Theater; Steven Osgood, Conductor; Kim Johansen, voice; Rachael Braunstein, voice; Kathleen Spencer, voice; Kendra Broom, voice; John Callison, voice; Margaret Newcomb, voice; Amelia Berry, voice; Paul-Anthony Keightley, voice; Nicholas Smith, voice; Jonathon Thierer, voice; Juan Daniel Melo, voice; Gina Perregrino, voice; Addison Hamilton, voice; Carlton Moe, voice; Kasia Borowiec, voice; James Ludlum, voice; Megan Gillis, voice; Scott Russell, voice; Alexander Frankel, voice; Cameron Johnson, voice; Thomas Mulder, voice; Eliott Paige, voice; Chanae Curtis, voice; Nicholas Meyer, voice; Megan Samarin, voice play
The Mother of Us All Suite Virgil Thomson Manhattan School of Music Opera Orchestra; Steven Osgood, Conductor play
Summer and Smoke Lee Hoiby Manhattan School of Music Opera Theater; Steven Osgood, Conductor; Anna Viemeister; Nickoli Strommer; Robert E. Mellon; Claire Coolen; Audean Farmer; Chris Lucier; Michael O'Halloran; Samantha Korbey; Anna Christina Lawrence; Salim Paul Abed; María Leticia Hernández; Steve Gokool; Brian Wahlstrom play
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